Friday, 25 June 2010

My Toes are Famous.... is my youngest son, James.
We treated ourselves to something completely different and got filmed doing it, how emarrasing!
my toes are the ones with the pink nail varnish.
Click the link to find out.


Karen said...

That looks fab, might have a bash at that myself.

Love Karen x

Lesley said...

that look brilliant - think I will have to have a go - hope you enjoyed it - best wishes Lesley x

Jayne W said...

Its great - I had a go for my Birthday in Sheffield. I had 15 mins and then Kev paid extra so that I could have another 20 mins I was enjoying it so much, it makes you laugh too - surely that can only be a good thing!! Have a go - Love Jayne xx

Tracey said...

ohhher Anne, I think you are very brave lol. Glad that you both enjoyed it though and love the colour of your nail varnish.

Have a lovely day
